Resume Tips
Be sure you have a phone number on the resume that will, without exception, be answered by a person or an answering machine. You do not want to lose out on an interview because there was no answer to your phone. If you don’t have an answering machine, get one. Include e-mail and fax numbers, if you have them.
You should NOT use bullets or underlining if you are sending your resume as an e-mail attachment. Bullets or underlining can some times cause your resume to skew while the attachment is opened.
Your resume should not be more than two pages. If you have more than one page, be sure that your pages are numbered, with your name on every page.
You should NOT use Italics or an odd type of font. Some types of software will not recognize them while doing a Key Word Search.
Try your best not to include anything on the resume that is political, controversial, etc.

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